As the sun shines brightly, the yellow buds adorning two large maple trees burst open to reveal tiny green leaves ready to take their first breath. In the backdrop, a tall pine watches intently, after a winter of standing guard like a shepherd over his resting siblings. Throughout the surrounding area, fruit trees of different kinds have begun to flower a spectacular red and white. Meanwhile, oak trees slowly awake from their slumber, and an adolescent willow already has taken on her summer shape. A little lower to the ground, stunning purple buds drape a young redbud tree. Down below, grass has turned green, dandelions have popped, and bumble bees are making their initial forage for sustenance. The entire time, a gentle breeze flows along, as if a whisper of God’s voice traveling through the creation and calling out, “Awaken my beloved.”

On mornings such as this, I always seem to have the words of Psalm 23 echoing in my mind. “You restore my soul…” Perhaps it is simply because that is how my imagination attempts to comprehend the new life that emerges in Spring. It is God restoring the soul of the creation itself. This image carries deep-seeded meaning, in that God does the same for me when I am at my weariest. This voice, audible only to my heart, cries out to me, whispering gently, “Awaken my beloved.” And somehow, through a measure of Grace I can never quantify, I slowly awaken to new life within myself. This sort of resurrection may not make the world perfect, for there will be storms to come, each carrying a chance of injury or scarring. But, at least for a moment, the newness brings with it warmth and peace. Thus, on this particular morning, I watch with childhood amazement as the world around me transforms right before my very eyes…and only occasionally do I notice that same process is happening to me as well. God is ever busy at work restoring souls. We are blessed. Amen.

-Rev Jeffrey G Mikyska  


A potted cherry tree stands at the ready, waiting to be planted in its new home. Nearby, a bright red cardinal sits in the pine, watching intently. The sun is shining brightly, and a warm breeze blows on this early Spring afternoon, as I dig the hole and prepare the soil. All the while, my cardinal friend just observes with an occasional chirp of approval. I imagine that he is patiently waiting for his chance to check out the new resident of his yard, maybe envisioning what branch will provide the best perch, or the sturdiest limb for a nest. Perhaps he is more interested in the worms I am digging up. Either way, he simply does not leave my side. In this moment, we are kindred spirits welcoming new life into our shared space. As I work, I cannot help but talk to him, now explaining what next steps I have in this process of planting before the tree is all his. With each word from my mouth, he just cocks his head and listens, like a child learning from a parent. The moment of planting a tree while talking to this cardinal on such a beautiful day literally warms my soul.

It often amazes me just how connected we are in life to all of God’s creatures around us. Many creatures, such as pollinators, are necessary for the life we live. They ensure that the trees we so love can produce bountiful harvests of fruit. Still others bring us remarkable joy and interact with us in ways we often miss. I know that on many mornings, as I bring seed outside to the feeder, this very same cardinal begins singing gleefully in the maple above, perhaps as a sign of gratitude to me, or as a call to the table for his family all around my yard. Regardless, in his eyes, I am a trusted friend. Thus, he and I share this time of planting together. It makes me smile to realize that relationships such as these are part of God’s master plan. Every one of us bears the handprints and intention of the Creator. Every one of us is a child meant to exude love in all directions. And so, on a wonderful Spring day, this little feathered child chooses to sit with me and keep me company, as we share a conversation. These are glorious moments of fellowship, as we live in communion with God through the creation around us. This is the day the Lord has made…may we all rejoice and be glad in it. Amen.

-Rev Jeffrey G Mikyska


On a warm and breezy afternoon, I stand outside and listen as wind chimes all across the neighborhood ring out in different pitches, announcing the arrival of the next wind flowing from God into this little corner of the creation. I love the soothing sounds, as they bring a sense of calm into my soul. In some ways, they remind me of the bells that ring out from steeples to share a favorite hymn or call a community into worship. I have been blessed to hear a Carillon play Silent Night out into the neighborhood at midnight on a Christmas Eve. I have felt the joy of hearing the bells toll above an outdoor mass as I declare, “He Is Risen!” I have felt the sorrow of observing the bells solemnly count off seventeen rings as we laid to rest a seventeen-year-old young man. I have felt the peace that comes with the methodical tolling of the church bell during the reciting of the Lord’s Prayer by the community in unison. These bells speak to us as if to carry the voice of the Holy Spirit into our day.

I find my mind drifting back to the wind chime hanging just a few feet away. It moves with each gust, as if God is intentionally making music by playfully and gently pushing the chimes. Perhaps the Lord is blowing upon them, as Jesus breathed upon the disciples while proclaiming the words, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Maybe it is the Spirit itself flowing and simply providing me with awareness of divine presence swirling around me. Regardless, the sounds speak to my soul in a way I cannot describe, providing a comfort I desperately crave. Really, it is of little importance that I understand why I enjoy this interaction as I do. What does matter to me on this afternoon is that God speaks and interacts with intention…and I have been blessed in these moments to notice the greeting. Amen.

-Rev Jeffrey G Mikyska    


On a warm Spring morning, flowers are making their first glorious appearance of the season, while trees nearby begin to show forth buds which will soon open to new life. A few pollinators fly around desperately seeking nectar as their hives open once more to the outside world. In the distance, a songbird joyfully sings of resurrection and a new dawn. The sun shines brightly into the creation, and a breeze blows gently, touching all who have come to experience the hope that swells with Easter celebrations. There is barely a cloud in the sky, and those that are above dance along gleefully and quickly. On the ground is a little rock, waiting to be playfully kicked and moved by a child, serving as a reminder of a great stone and an empty tomb. In all corners of the earth, altars stand at the ready in cemeteries, forests, parking lots, along streams, and even on the Mount of Olives. It is time for all that which God has made and redeemed to gather in worship. In a measured breath, one can suddenly feel a sense of renewal.

Many moons ago, three women approached a tomb at daybreak. They were grieving and scared. Still, the sun shone, a gentle breeze blew, and a songbird sung in the distance to the new dawn. The beauty of this morning was lost on them, as their minds were focused on the grim task at hand. They had come to anoint their beloved Lord. But alas, the stone had been kicked aside and warmth had replaced the chill of the grave. Each let out a gasp in stunned silence. Then, in a measured breath, an angel spoke words of renewal into their wounded souls, even if the women struggled to comprehend. These were to be the first witnesses and messengers of resurrection and new life. Their horrifying moments of extreme fear and confusion are remembered by us through the ages as the greatest experience of joy and peace ever shared between God and humanity. Thus, on a warm Spring morning, centuries removed from that empty tomb, as flowers make their first glorious appearance of the season, the story of these three women is recounted yet again, and a universe of hope is opened once more to the outside world. On these days, as the sun rises in all corners of the earth, the words of the angel echo across cemeteries, forests, and streams… HE IS RISEN! He has indeed…and a new day has dawned. Amen.

-Rev Jeffrey G Mikyska