On a cold winter’s night, God’s light reflects down upon the Creation as seasons begin to move. For the past couple months, slumber and hibernation have been the norm. But on this night, a full moon dominates the skies, while spectacular shadows decorate the snow cover. The ground has become a mirror image of the trees above. The snow is slowly melting as the temperatures methodically rise. The deep freeze is releasing its grip upon this corner of the earth. All the while, the old crabapple tree’s roots are soaking in the moisture as they gently awaken. In weeks to come, the sun’s warmth will touch her limbs, calling her to a new day. Little sprouts will appear, before exploding into beautiful white flowers. Soon after, she will return to her work of producing leaves and fruits. All this will happen as God’s trumpets resound and God’s Spirit flows along the landscape. The ways of new life are ever being prepared, even as we continue in our brief seasonal rest.

Life is funny in that growth and change happens even as we sleep. Perhaps this is when transformation occurs the most. There is a reason God insists we take time for Sabbath. This transformation can be seen in the caterpillar who transfigures into a butterfly, or in the tree who literally sheds its life to be recreated into something different, but equally glorious the next year. For our Jewish sisters and brothers, Tu B’Shevat is a celebration of the new year of the trees. It carries much symbolism, but maybe its greatest meaning to someone such as myself is in simply acknowledging the cycles of life that God has divinely ordained. The truth is that life is cycling right now, both in the Creation surrounding me, and in my own soul at the same time. I need not understand, but rather only experience, just as this wonderful old crabapple’s soul is doing at this very moment. On this night, we have that in common. Thanks be to God. Amen.

-Rev Jeffrey G Mikyska

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